GNL-3Z PROJECT: Realizzazione dell’impianto world class per la liquefazione di gas naturale ad Arzew, Algeria
Anton Marco Fantolini - Saipem
(in lingua inglese)
SAIPEM, as a JV leader, with the technological support of CHIYODA:
- have executed the EPC portion of the LSTK Project GNL-3Z
- are now completing the Commissioning and Start-up Phase
- delivering to SONATRACH their largest LNG Production Train.

Fonte: Intervento al convegno "Shale Gas Revolution", Milano, 2014
Mercati: Aria e Gas, Chimica, Petrolchimica, Plastica
- MET Energia Italia
- Andrea Gibelli
- Viviana Vettore
- Air Liquide Italia Service