A hybrid multi-criteria decision modeling approach for the best biodiesel blend selection based on ANP-TOPSIS analysis
G. Sakthivel - Vellore Institute of Technology
(in lingua inglese)
The selection of best blend plays an imperative role for biodiesel usage in internal combustion engines. There are a number of performance, emission and combustion parameters that are to be considered before choosing the best blend which involves a multidimensional perspective. Therefore effective decision-making approach is essential to resolve the problem. ANP integrated TOPSIS and ANP integrated VIKOR decision making methods have been used to evaluate the best blend. ANP is used to compute the evaluation criteria weights and TOPSIS is employed to determine the priorities of the alternatives.

Fonte: Articolo Ain Shams Engineering Journal, 2014
Mercati: Trasporti e Automotive
Parole chiave: Auto ibride, Biodiesel
- ETS Engine Technology Solutions
- Pier Giuseppe Polla
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