Assisted phytoextraction of heavy metals: compost and Trichoderma effects on giant reed uptake
Nunzio Fiorentino - Universitą di Napoli Federico II
(in lingua inglese)
The results of this field experiment highlighted the high productive potentiality of giant reed on a low polluted soil, showing a profitable way to use soils not suitable for food production. The estimated reclamation may be reduced to approximately 25 years but this could still be too long to meet the requirements of environmental decision makers. Nevertheless, any cost benefit evaluation should also take into account the low cost of this phytoremediation technique and the potential profits from bio-energy and biopolymer production.

Fonte: Italian Journal of Agronomy 2013
Settori: Efficienza energetica industriale, Rinnovabili
Parole chiave: Bioenergia
- APRE - Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea
- Anie Rinnovabili
- CIB - Consorzio Italiano BioGas